What is the purpose of English?

English is now spoken by billions of people around the globe – it is the international currency.  One only has to turn to the internet to begin to appreciate the influence that this language has on our daily lives. If one does not master the English language, there are doors that will never be opened.

This subject will ensure that learners:

  • Are able to listen and speak for a variety of purposes, audiences and contexts. Communication is vital in this day and age and we teach the learners not only to speak and write well, but to express original ideas – they need to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world.
  • Are able to evaluate critically and respond to a wide range of texts. We expose the students to a variety of texts: from Shakespeare to the latest novels for young adults, from “The Matrix” to documentary films, as well as the world of advertising and satire.  It is vital to be able to be able deconstruct meaning and then form a coherent, authentic response – we take pride in encouraging our learners to think for themselves.
  • Gain experience of (and are thus comfortable with) with an inter-textual approach to both the literature and the language aspects of the syllabus. This involves integrating film, media studies and other texts where the focus is on visual literacy, listening skills, advertising, political discourse, cartoons, analytical skills (higher order, critical thinking), oratory skills (audience) and the specifics of language (textual editing, the application of active and passive voice, manipulation of texts, the use of subtext, for example).
  • Are able to present for a wide range of purposes and audiences using conventions and formats appropriate to diverse contexts. Practical skills are obviously also vital and we teach the learners how to respond effectively in a number of different contexts, whether it be applying for a job or firing someone, writing an inspiring speech or reflecting on one’s own development.

English is useful in the world of work

Of course, English is not only concerned with literature and we would like the learners to develop sound writing and oratory skills which they will take with them into tertiary education and the work place.  Self- confidence and poise are two key qualities that we would nurture in this regard.


The study of language is fundamental to the development of a learners though structure and thought process. The structure and discipline of language is therefore the utmost importance in the development of the minds of young learners. Afrikaans helps learners to develop a clear logical and reasonable way to express themselves and to develop a well formed mind.

Afrikaans as a first additional language helps leaners to appreciate our new dynamic and diverse country. They get an in-depth look into a culture that plays a fundamental role in the heritage and future of our country.


What is Mathematics?

Mathematics is the study of patterns and the measurement, properties and relationships of quantities, using numbers and symbols. Mathematics is often simply equated to the study of numbers but it is more than that. It is about logical analysis, deduction and calculation; it is a science, a way of thinking, an art characterized by order and consistency, a universal language using defined terms and symbols. Through such processes like symmetry and reflection, Mathematics gives rise to beautiful and intriguing visual forms.

Core Mathematics will ensure that learners can:

  • Identify and solve problems and make decisions using critical and creative thinking
  • Collect, analyse, organize and critically evaluate information in order to make informed decisions
  • Communicate effectively using visual, symbolic and language skills
  • Work effectively and responsibly with others as part of a team, group and community
  • Use science and technology effectively in matters relating to the environment and health, to name a few
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems

Mathematics is a powerful tool and is an essential element in the curriculum of any learner who intends to pursue a career in the fields of study such as:

  • Physical & Natural sciences
  • Engineering
  • Medicine
  • Technology
  • Space & Environmental Science
  • Mathematics and Mathematical sciences

It also plays an important role in the fields of Economics, Management and the Social Sciences.

In the World of Work

Mathematics helps provide a solid foundation to many aspects of our daily life.  It is important for the personal development of any student.  The logical thinking and problem solving skills one learns through Mathematics are important for members of our modern society in the workplace and for personal decision-making.

Mathematics provides students with the skills required to question information they come across and then work to support or refute this information using numbers.  Quantitative situations are found everywhere:  in poems, literature, environmental claims, social justice issues and social service needs, in the display of information by means of graphs and the financial aspects of daily life. We teach Mathematics so that students can decide for themselves whether the quantities involved make sense or not.

The subject equips students with powerful ways to understand, describe, investigate, analyse and change the world. Students who take Core Mathematics are generally seen as bringing a ‘logic element’ to whatever task they undertake, whether that task is mathematics based or not.

There is no doubt that Mathematics can be very abstract but, at the same time, who can deny the immense beauty, excitement and satisfaction that this subject provides?

Career Options:

Teacher • Medical doctor • Physicist • Pharmacist • Actuarial scientist • Engineer • Astrologist • Astronomist • Technician • IT industry • Architect • Civil engineer • Electronics industry • Town planner • Pilot


Why Mathematical Literacy?

Not all learners have the ability to think in a mathematically abstract manner. For this very reason, we are grateful that a subject like Mathematical Literacy is available to enable the learners to use the mathematical skills and concepts that they have learned, but to do so in a contextual manner.

Across the world, there is evidence that many adults are not able to do any but the simplest arithmetical calculations. They  struggle  to  calculate  percentages  or  interpret  interest  rates  and  graphs. The implications for such lack of understanding and facility are far- reaching.  People are exploited by biased reporting and advertising and ill equipped to make responsible financial decisions.

The pervasive presence of handheld calculators and computers makes it critical that people understand how to interpret results of calculations and that they are able to decide logically what Mathematics to use.

Mathematical Literacy provides the learners with an awareness and understanding of the role that Mathematics has in the modern world. Mathematical Literacy is a subject driven by life-related applications of Mathematics. It enables the learners to develop the ability and confidence to think numerically and spatially in order to interpret and analyse everyday situations and solve problems.

Mathematical Literacy aims to:

  • Ensure that learners are highly numerate users of mathematics.
  • Provide learners with opportunities to engage with real – life problems in different contexts and so consolidate and extend basic mathematical skills.
  • Develop the use of mathematical skills in order to analyse critically situations and creatively solve everyday problems.
  • Enable learners to become a self-managing person and participating citizens in our democracy.

Some of the real-life scenarios/skills that are dealt with in Mathematical Literacy are:

  • Financial issues such as hire purchase, mortgage bonds and investments.
  • The ability to read a map and follow timetables.
  • To estimate and calculate area and volume.
  • To understand house plans and floor plans.
  • Acknowledging that activities such as cooking and the use of medicine require the efficient use of ratio and proportion.
  • Dealing with work-related formulas.
  • Reading statistical charts with confidence.
  • Dealing with schedules and understanding instructions involving numerical components.
  • To be aware that statistics can often be used to support opposing arguments.
  • Graphs that emphasize break even points for our budding entrepreneurs.
  • Calculating profit margins and percentage profit

Is Mathematical Literacy easy?

The answer to that question would be NO! It is easier than Core Mathematics, but it is still not an easy subject. We do cover some very basic skills but we also delve into complicated scenarios, which certainly test the learners’ mathematical abilities.

Who should take Mathematical Literacy?

  • If you  are  struggling  with  Mathematics  at  Grade  9  level,  then  you  should  consider  taking Mathematical Literacy.
  • If your career path does not need Core Mathematics, then you should alleviate the stress and free up time (which can be spent on other subjects) by taking Mathematical Literacy.
  • If you battle with abstract numerical thinking, then being exposed to contextual mathematics will benefit your confidence enormously.

Which career path can be chosen if I take Mathematical Literacy?

This is a very difficult question to answer because the entrance requirements change from university to university and, unfortunately, year to year! The best course of action would be to contact specific universities to which you intend to apply and investigate their entrance/subject requirements individually.

It is worth noting that doors that potentially may be closed because you are taking Mathematical Literacy were perhaps doors that were not open in any event.

Career Options:

  • Teacher • Bricklayer • Welder • Plumber • Computer programmer • Bookkeeper • Sales executive • Journalist • Social worker • Chef • Business manager • Ceramicist • Fashion designer • Caterer


What is the purpose of Life Orientation?

The modern world provides numerous challenges for each and every one us.  Technology is advancing daily, work demands are ever increasing and we are faced with political, social and moral dilemmas on a daily basis.  So how do we chart a way forward? Life Orientation encourages our learners to develop holistically through a focus on the following areas:

  • Achieving and maintaining personal well-being. Life Orientation provides a focus on the personal development of the individual, from encouraging personal introspection of our strengths and weaknesses; to developing the learner’s ability to manage the time he has available to him, in order to ensure that he maximizes his potential.
  • Demonstrating an  understanding  and  appreciation  of  the  values  and  rights  that  underpin  the Constitution in order to practise responsible citizenship and to enhance social justice and sustainable living.  Our ability to function within the framework that governs our lives is crucial for our success in a world where social communication and mass media dominate.
  • Exploring and engaging responsibly in recreational and physical activities, to promote well-being. As the saying goes, “a healthy body; a healthy mind”. Many of us struggle to find and maintain the balance within our lives.
  • Demonstrating self-knowledge and the ability to make informed decisions regarding further study, career fields and career pathing. There are a myriad of challenges facing our learners entering the job market in today’s society and successfully negotiating this landscape is crucial to their success. Life Orientation strives to encourage the individual to develop the skills required to cope successfully with these challenges.

In short, Life Orientation is a compulsory subject that seeks to encourage the holistic development of each learner in order to maximize his opportunities to navigate the world he is faced with today successfully.


What is the purpose of Business Studies?

Economic growth and personal financial empowerment depends largely on the positive contributions of both business and individuals to the economy. In South Africa we are faced with many socio-economic challenges and it is important that young people are able to provide job opportunities for themselves instead of being reliant on the formal labour market.  Job creation is the key to South Africa’s economic and social success. The development of these business roles will put learners in a position to apply knowledge and skills, to analyse and deal with different business environments (macro, micro and market), to initiate and carry out business ventures and successfully carry out business operations.  We aim to empower our learners in order that they will become better prepared for the business world.  South Africa is now part of the global village and only the very best will survive in this increasingly competitive world.

Who should take the subject?

  • Learners who have a passion for business, investments and management.
  • Learners who wish to develop business savvy and find out more about the operations in a business.
  • Learners who have an interest in labour developments.
  • Learners who enjoy problem solving and developing strategies to deal with issues.
  • Learners who wish to study for a business degree at a tertiary institution or who are likely to run their own business one day.

 This subject will ensure that learners:

  • Acquire and apply essential knowledge, skills and principles to conduct business productively and profitably in changing business and social environments
  • Create business opportunities, creatively solve problems and take risks while respecting the rights of others as well as environmental sustainability
  • Apply basic leadership and management skills and principles  while  working  with  others to accomplish business goals
  • Are motivated, self-directed, reflective lifelong learners who manage themselves responsibly
  • Be able to analyse and evaluate different business scenarios critically
  • Gain an understanding of change, how to manage change and cope with stress
  • In addition to being able to secure formal employment, students of Business Studies will be able to pursue sustainable entrepreneurial and self-employment career pathways.  It also forms the foundation for further business learning opportunities in commerce degree study.

Business studies are useful if you want to study Commerce, Management, Banking and Financial Services, Hospitality, Tourism, Law,


What is the purpose of Accounting?

Accounting is much more than the recording of financial information and data.  It develops knowledge, skills and the ability to make meaningful financial decisions in the social as well as the economic environments.

This subject will ensure that pupils are equipped with skills and basic knowledge to control personal finances as well as the finances of enterprises. This includes the logical, systematic and accurate recording of financial transactions as well as the analysis and interpretation of financial statements.

The study of Managerial Accounting includes concepts such as budgeting – an important tool for anyone who will be managing their own finances – as well as costing, an important part of manufacturing enterprises.

Learners are also equipped with tools in Managing Resources, which include basic internal control and audit processes as well as the adherence to a code of ethics, which are so necessary in the modern day society.  Emphasis is placed on the knowledge and understanding of ethics as well as human rights and sound values in financial and managerial activities.

Some topics covered include:

  • Accounting concepts and manual or electronic (PASTEL) recording procedures for the sole trader, partnership, non-profit organization and company
  • The Accounting equation
  • VAT concepts, calculations and applications (Ledger and VAT 201).
  • Bank, debtors and creditors reconciliations
  • Analysis of published financial statements and audit reports
  • Preparation and explanation of budget concepts
  • Preparation and analysis of cost information for a manufacturing enterprise.

From the topics covered it should be noted that pupils intending to take Accounting as a subject require ability in mathematical, calculation and logical thinking skills.

Educational and Career Links

Topics covered correspond directly and form a base for topics covered at tertiary level. Some B Com degrees may require students to study Accounting as a subject at school level.


What is Economics all about?

Economics is the “Science of Wealth”! It is about choice because resources are relatively scarce.

It is concerned with market forces, supply and demand and Government intervention. Exchange rates, imports and exports, inflation, unemployment, development and Government Policy are all analysed.

Who will enjoy Economics?

Pupils who have a genuine interest in current national and international affairs should find the course stimulating. Economics is a contemporary subject, rooted in what is happening in South

Africa and the world economy today and it will suit those who have an interest in politics and reading the papers.

Economics learners will be able to:

  • Use resources efficiently to satisfy the competing needs and wants of individuals and of society
  • Understand the concept of monetary and real flows in an open economy within the confines of production, consumption and exchange
  • Develop skills to apply demand and supply, and cost and revenue analyses to explain prices and production levels
  • Understand reconstruction, growth and development, as well as a critical approach to initiatives for a fair distribution of income and wealth, human rights, and responsibilities
  • Acquire an advanced Economics vocabulary that will allow them to debate and communicate the essentials of the subject
  • Apply, in a responsible and accountable manner, principles that underlie basic economic processes and practices
  • Explore a variety of methods and strategies to analyse and explain the dynamics of markets
  • collect, analyse and interpret production, consumption, and exchange data as well as other information in order to solve problems and make informed decisions
  • Understand human rights concerns, reflect on the wealth creation process, and engage in poverty alleviation
  • Analyse and assess the impact of local and global institutions on the South African economy, and
  • Explain economic events and forecast their consequences or predict likely future outcomes.

Because it is draws on a wide range of skills, it is an excellent background for those considering careers in business, banking, accountancy, law or politics (although not a prerequisite to study a B Com).


What is the purpose of History?

Today, history forms a huge component of human knowledge in general, alongside cultural and scientific knowledge, both of which overlap with history.  Historians place a great emphasis on primary sources (writing based on events they or their immediate friends actually experienced), rather than secondary sources (writing merely based on hearsay).  Also important are comparisons between primary sources — without comparisons, it can be difficult to validate historical claims.  Obviously, the history of an invasion will be written differently by the conquerors and the conquered.

This subject will ensure that learners:

  • Understand people and societies: History offers a storehouse of information about how people and societies behave. Understanding the operations of people and societies is difficult, though a number of disciplines make the attempt.  An exclusive reliance on current data would needlessly handicap our efforts.
  • Understand change and how the society we live in came to be: History is inescapable as a subject of serious study. The past causes the present, and so the future. Any time we try to know why something happened, we have to look for factors that took shape earlier.
  • Understand importance of history in our own lives: This fundamental reason for studying history underlies more specific and quite diverse uses of history in our own lives. History well told is beautiful. Many of the historians who most appeal to the general reading public know the importance of dramatic and skilful writing—as well as of accuracy. History as art and entertainment serves a real purpose on aesthetic grounds but also on the level of human understanding.
  • See how history contributes to moral understanding: History also provides a terrain for moral contemplation. Studying the stories of individuals and situations in the past allows a student of history to test his or her own moral sense and to hone it against some of the real complexities individuals have faced in difficult settings.
  • Understand how history provides identity: History also helps provide identity and this is unquestionably one of the reasons all modern nations encourage its teaching in some form. Historical data include evidence about how families, groups, institutions and whole countries were formed and about how they have evolved while retaining cohesion.

History should be studied because it is essential to individuals and to society, and because it harbours beauty.  There are many ways to discuss the real functions of the subject, as there are many different historical talents and many different paths to historical meaning.

By engaging in History a learner will be able to:

  • Assess evidence: The study of history builds experience in dealing with and assessing various kinds of evidence—the sorts of evidence historians use in shaping the most accurate pictures of the past that they can. This skill can also be applied to information encountered in everyday life.
  • Assess conflicting interpretations: Learning history means gaining some skill in sorting through diverse, often conflicting interpretations. This is one area in which the full benefits of historical study sometimes clash with the narrower uses of the past to construct identity.
  • Experience in assessing past examples of change…experience in assessing past examples of change is vital to understanding change in society today – it’s an essential skill in what we are regularly told is our “ever-changing world.” Analysis of change means developing some capacity for determining the magnitude and significance of change, for some changes are more fundamental than others.

Historical study, in sum, is crucial to the promotion of that elusive creature, the well-informed citizen.  It provides basic factual information about the background of our political institutions and about the values and problems that affect our social well-being. It also contributes to our capacity to use evidence, assess interpretations, and analyse change and continuities.

History is useful in the world of work!

History is useful for work. Its study helps create good business people, professionals, and political leaders and most people who study history use their training for broader professional purposes.

Employers often deliberately seek students with the kinds of capacities historical study promotes.  The reasons are not hard to identify: students of history acquire, by studying different phases of the past and different societies in the past, a broad perspective that gives them the range and flexibility required in many work situations. They  develop  research  skills,  the  ability  to  find  and  evaluate  sources  of information,  and the means  to  identify and  evaluate  diverse  interpretations. Work in history also improves basic writing and speaking skills and is directly relevant to many of the analytical requirements in the public and private sectors, where the capacities to identify, assess, and explain trends is essential.

History is useful if you want to study Social Sciences, Engineering, Theology, Linguistic careers and Law


Why Study Geography?

There has never been a better or more important time to study Geography.  With growing interest in issues such as climate change, migration, environmental degradation and social cohesion, Geography is one of the most relevant courses you could choose to study. Geographers are also highly employable.

Whatever  your  passion for  the world  – fascination  with  landscapes  or  concerns  about  inequality  – Geography will provide you with knowledge and transferable skills that will reward you personally and advance you professionally. Whether researching a volcano that stops air travel in its tracks, deciding where to locate a wind farm, or using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to help locate a business, the work of geographers across the world is as diverse as it is compelling.

Often the top media stories of the day are underpinned by geography – whether it’s crime statistics, the spread of disease, development (both local and international) or sustainability, to name just a few. Geographers’ specialist knowledge and ability to understand issues from a breadth of different perspectives means they are highly sought after in the workplace.

By the time you complete three years of Geography in the FET phase you should have knowledge and understanding of:

  • Why our human and physical environments and landscapes appear as they are, how they form and operate, and how they inter-relate at various scales?
  • How and why patterns of human and physical features differ from place to place across the earth?
  • Differences and inequality within the human world; especially the economic, social and political causes of inequality and economic development.
  • The importance of different spatial scales – global to local – and time scales for physical and human processes, together with their interactions and interdependence.

What will you learn?

  • The ways in which particular places and regions have evolved to be distinctive.
  • How to observe, describe, analyse, represent, interpret and report information about the world.
  • Changes and stability in human and physical worlds, including the causes, rates and patterns of change and the prediction of change to the foreseeable future.
  • The world as an integrated system.
  • Geography involves  a  variety  of  IT,  field  and  laboratory  analytical  approaches  including techniques such as Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and fieldwork is an integral part to most courses.

 What skills will you gain?

  • Intellectual skills, such as critically evaluating theories and judging evidence in order to make informed decisions and to develop reasoned arguments.
  • Research skills, such as using a range of technical methods for the collection and analysis of spatial and environmental data, and undertaking fieldwork.
  • Transferable skills,  such  as  teamwork,  problem  solving,  IT  skills,  communication  skills (presentation, writing, debating).
  • Personal attributes,  such  as  time-management,  development  of  responsibility,  coping  with uncertainty, self-reflection, motivation, flexibility, and creativity.

The Geography department aims to foster the following values and attitudes in our learners:

  • A concern for the sustainable and fair use of resources for the benefit of all
  • Recognizing the significance of informed decision making
  • The application of geographical knowledge and skills in learners’ personal lives
  • Respect for the rights of all people
  • A sense of fairness, sustainability and equality.

Whatever your passion in the world, fascination with the environment or concerns about inequality, Geography can provide you with the knowledge, experience and transferable skills that will reward you personally and advance you professionally.  It’s a subject that reveals the world’s people, places and environments while also giving you a hand in shaping their future.

Career links include amongst others, the following: aviation, cartography, earth sciences, eco-tourism, education and teaching, environmental management, geographical information systems, geology, land surveying.


What is the purpose of Physical Science?

In today’s technologically advanced world, the Physical Sciences are a must.  The skills learnt in the subject prepare pupils for advanced thinking and logical thought processes.  Physical Science opens doors to careers and opportunities.  The subject teaches pupils to question the world around them and try and draw an understanding of how things work.

In South Africa there is currently a dearth of people with Physical Science ability. Many professions require a competence in this subject in order to keep scientific and technological development alive, improve the country’s economic growth and to further the social well-being of its people.

 This subject will ensure that learners:

  • Provide pupils with the necessary subject knowledge and comprehension. In the world of technology this is of subsidiary importance to the subject, as information and subject knowledge can be obtained easily from the internet.
  • Develop in pupils the necessary skills, techniques and methods of science. To introduce pupils to the scientific explanation of phenomena through practical investigations. The scientific method and skills is what keeps our society alive.
  • Develop in pupils the desirable scientific attitudes, such as interest and concern for natural phenomena, desire for knowledge, critical thinking and the like. In a fast track world, we need critical thinkers and pupils that will take an interest in and concern for the environment. Science develops a love for the environment and all that is in it.  It will produce future caretakers of this world.
  • Introduce pupils to scientific language and terminology Competency and being articulate in the world of science is what our technologically advanced world is demanding. Technology is changing so rapidly, one needs to keep abreast with the latest terminology and language.
  • Introduce pupils to the applications of science in industry and in everyday life.
  • Thoroughly equip them for examinations and ultimately, for a future career in this subject

Physical Science is essential for further studies in Medicine, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Radiography, Agriculture, Chiropractic’s, pure sciences, all engineering fields, as well as Architecture. It also includes Teacher, Zoologist, Actuarial scientist, Astrologist, Astronomist, Technician, IT industry, Land surveyor, Biologist, Town planner, Physicist, Dentist


What is the purpose of Life Sciences?

Life Science, previously known as Biology, is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms.  This includes their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy. Science is a product of human endeavour as people try understanding their world.

Becoming scientifically literate involves acquisition of knowledge, understanding how this knowledge is linked to form major themes, understanding processes and developing values and attitudes.

The Life Sciences course is built on experiential learning and is taught based on four basic principles:

  • Concrete experience
  • Reflection on that experience
  • Forming ideas based on experience(s)
  • Applying and testing the new concepts

This combination of approaches allows for various types of learning styles.  It also allows learners to tie the material back to the real world.

This subject will ensure that learners:

  • Acquire knowledge of and competency in the use of biological terms: This includes: symbols, drawings, diagrams, structures and functions, classification, properties, life cycles, processes, naming of apparatus, chemicals, specimens, laboratory procedures and precautions.
  • Have the ability to recognize and demonstrate links between processes: Including relationships between form and function amongst organisms and their environments and between people and their environments.
  • Have the ability to demonstrate knowledge by understanding of the personal, social, economic and technological applications of biological science.
  • Develop practical competencies in: – following instructions – handling living material using equipment – use of apparatus using chemicals, measuring and estimating – exercising responsibility in handling apparatus, chemicals and living specimens.
  • Develop observational competencies: Ability to observe differences (use and construct keys), observe changes, describe accurately, and distinguish between relevant and irrelevant details.
  • Develop ability to plan and carry out a scientific investigation:
  • Formulate a hypothesis
  • Consider and control variables
  • Design an experiment, measure, and record data
  • Represent data
  • Draw conclusions
  • Evaluate and improve experimental design.
  • Develop the ability to record, interpret and communicate:
  • By Explanation
  • Descriptions
  • Accurate Drawings
  • Diagrams
  • Tables
  • Graphs etc.
  • Develop the ability to find information:
  • Select information
  • Critically, analyse, summarize, and collate information
  • Ask questions
  • Read data represented in tables, graphs, keys etc.
  • Develop the ability to apply knowledge to familiar and unfamiliar situations: Answer and pose questions, interpret, deduce, predict and evaluate information, solve problems.

Life Sciences is the study of life at various levels of organisation and comprises a variety of sub-disciplines, or specialisations, such as:

  • Biochemistry
  • Biotechnology
  • Microbiology
  • Genetics
  • Zoology
  • Botany
  • Entomology
  • Physiology (plant and animal)
  • Anatomy (plant and animal)
  • Morphology (plant and animal)
  • Taxonomy (plant and animal)
  • Environmental Studies
  • Socio-biology (animal behaviour)

A complete list of all possible occupations is not possible; however careers fall into roughly 4 categories:

  1. Options that directly relate to a Life Science degree (laboratory based). These include roles in research and development, whether based in a university or industry sector e.g. food and drink, pharmaceutical, as well as government laboratories, defence organisations or the medical field.
  • Research scientist (life science) – research scientist (medical)
  • Scientist, industrial research – agriculture research scientist
  • Fisheries research scientist – food technologist
  • Industrial microbiologist – marine scientist
  • Plant breeder / geneticist – product / process development scientist
  • Soil scientist – technical brewer
  • Toxicologist – forensic scientist
  • Scientific laboratory technician – biomedical scientist
  • Clinical scientist, tissue typing – clinical / medical technologist
  • Genetic technologist – haematologist
  • Immunologist – microbiologist
  1. Options that directly relate to a Life Science degree (field based, industry, office or hospital based etc.).
  • Ecologist – biological field surveyor
  • Nature conservation officer – nature conservation adviser
  • Zookeeper – animal technologist
  • Environmental consultant – environmental auditor
  • Water quality scientist – occupational hygienist
  • Audiologist
  1. Options that use a Life Science background but involve acquiring expertise in a new professional area. Opportunities are to be found in health sector, in education, in administration / policy, in management, as well as in science / technical writing, science administration, science communication, editing, teaching, science policy, management of science, commercialisation of science, patent work etc.
  • Doctor, general practice – doctor, hospital
  • Adult nurse – health promotion specialist
  • Diagnostic radiographer – optometrist
  • Physiotherapist – speech and language therapist
  • Chiropractor – clinical psychologist
  • Dentist – dietician
  • Hospital pharmacist – occupational therapist
  • Sports therapist – environmental manager
  • Recycling officer – waste management officer
  • Water conservation officer – environmental education officer
  • Journalist – film director
  • Film or video production manager – programme researcher, broadcasting/film/video
  • School teacher – lecturer, university / Higher Education


Engineering Graphics and Design is a communication and management tool that links those who design and plan with those who produce the artifacts and systems. It is used in the design phase to record and develop ideas, and in the manufacturing phase to guide those who do the manufacturing.

Purpose of the Subject:

  • Engineering Graphics and Design will contribute towards your technological literacy by giving you opportunities to:
  • Appreciate the interaction between people’s values and attitudes, society, the environment, human rights and technology.
  • Apply the design process to solve Civil, Electrical and Mechanical problems analytically and graphically.
  • Understand the concepts and knowledge used in Engineering Graphics and Design, and use them responsibly and purposefully in the context of Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Technologies.
  • Develop and apply specific skills related to Engineering Graphics and Design.

 Careers and Study Opportunities in Engineering, Graphics & Design:

EGD will equip you to explore more careers than you may expect! It will primarily equip you to become a designer or engineer but interior designers, landscape designers, furniture designers, draughters, architects, inventors, people in the construction industry, surveyors and even EGD educators use the skills that you will learn in this subject.

Technology is a very wide field, and involves many individuals. People can either work as part of an organization as employees, or as individuals who do contract work. Those who do the actual work are called artisans, and those who initiate the engineering and technology process (tell them what to do) are called engineers. In between the engineer and the artisan are technicians and technologists.

To become a technician, technologist or engineer you must start with a Further Education and Training Certificate (FETC). This is the school-leaving certificate at the end of grade 12. The school subject, Engineering Graphics and Design (EGD) is a recommended subject, along with Mathematics, Science and Languages. This is because EGD equips you to communicate effectively, both reading and producing drawings. EGD will also assist you to solve problems as you engage in the design process.

Career Options:

  • Architecture • Plan drawing • Graphic design • Electrical draughtsperson • Draughtsperson • Draughtsman • Designing (furniture, Automobiles, Aeronautics)


Information Technology is the study of the various interrelated physical and non-physical technologies used for the capturing of data, the processing of data into useful information and the management, presentation and dissemination of data.  Information Technology studies the activities that deal with the solution of problems through logical and computational thinking.  It includes the physical and non-physical components for the electronic transmission, access, and manipulation of data and information.

Information Technology specifically forms the underpinning basis for studies in computer science, information systems, engineering and the business sciences. In general, it lays a foundation for programmes such as the following offered in Higher Education and Training:

  • Bio-informatics
  • Business information systems
  • Computer engineering
  • Computer science
  • Computer science education
  • Financial information systems
  • Geographical information systems
  • Informatics
  • Information systems
  • Information technology

It provides computing skills across the entire spectrum of careers and opens pathways for careers such as:

  • Computer or software architect
  • Data communication and network specialist
  • Financial and actuarial specialist
  • Hardware and software support technician
  • Information systems and technology manager
  • Information technology educator or trainer
  • Information technology sales executive
  • Programmer
  • Systems developer
  • Telecommunications engineer.


Computer Applications Technology is the study of the integrated components of a computer system (hardware and software) and the practical techniques for their efficient use and application to solve everyday problems. The solutions to problems are designed, managed and processed via end-user applications and communicated using appropriate information and communication technologies (ICTs). ICTs are the combination of networks, hardware and software as well as the means of communication, collaboration and engagement that enable the processing, management and exchange of data, information and knowledge. Computer Applications Technology aims at developing computing skills in the following packages: Word, Excel, Access, Explorer, Outlook and Power Point and basic HTML (webpage). Learners will be able to use the Internet, and understand the role that it plays, find relevant information, process it, make decisions, and learn how to use ICTs responsibly.  A fairly high level of competency is expected.

In Computer Applications Technology a learner will:

  • Use end-user software applications proficiently to produce solutions to problems within a defined scenario
  • Understand the concepts of ICTs with regard to the technologies that make up a computing system
  • Understand the various technologies, standards and protocols involved in the electronic transmission of data via a computer-based network
  • Use the Internet and the WWW and understand the role that the Internet plays as part of the global information superhighway
  • Find authentic and relevant information, process the information to draw conclusions, make decisions and communicate the findings in appropriate presentation media
  • Recognise the legal, ethical, environmental, social, security and health issues related to the use of ICTs and learn how to use ICTs responsibly.

Should I take this subject?

If you enjoy working with computers and its many applications, then CAT is a good subject to take. The great advantage of this subject is that it provides skills that can be applied immediately in the classroom and the workplace. Like all matric subjects, CAT will require consistent application and hard work. CAT is not a designated subject: this means that it cannot be used for determining university acceptance to university. CAT is however used in the calculation of Admission Points Scores (APS) at all universities and colleges.


Although CAT is not a compulsory subject for any particular field of study, this subject does provide you with a range of basic skills useful in the field of Information Technology should you wish to study in this field further one day.  The ability to use computer applications efficiently is a distinct advantage in many fields. Students also complete the ICDL (International Computers Drivers Licence) course during Grade 10 and 11. Not only does this give them an excellent platform from which to do Grade 12 CAT, but is an asset on their CV.


Practical and theory of art are to be fully integrated.  Work will be tackled locally, then nationally and finally looking for links internationally.  The emphasis is on Afrocentric art related to European Art. The aim of the course is to educate the student through art, in doing so, to enrich him or her with a knowledge and appreciation of art.  Further, the course aims to extend the personal experience of the student in the practice of art, stressing originality. This subject relies heavily on the student’s own motivation and commitment. There is considerable extra expense involved, as most art materials are imported and students taking the Art Course will be required to make purchases throughout the three years.


  • Fashion Design
  • Film and Sound
  • Fine Art
  • Interior Design
  • Jewellery Design
  • Literacy/Print Media/Advertising
  • Product Design
  • Visual Art, Design and Graphic Design
  • Industrial designer
  • Web site designer
  • Digital designer
  • Photographer
  • Textile designer


Drama is concerned both with the workings of the imagination and with the discipline of craftsmanship – a part of every child’s life, not the privilege of the gifted few picked for a special occasion. The aim is to refine the student’s understanding and use of dramatic communication through the components: movement, speech, action, plot and performance area.  Further to use dramatic communication successfully in order to explore, understand and communicate issues, themes and ideas which lend themselves to exploration in this art medium.

Educational Drama does not necessarily involve teaching students how to act.  It is concerned with opportunities for invention and expression; with understanding of human situations and behaviour through movement and speech; with a bringing to life – in a way that adds to personal experience, of much that has been merely imparted information

Dramatic Arts aims to:

  • Develop the human instrument (body/voice/mind/emotions) as a medium of expression, communication and creativity
  • Develop drama skills, techniques and processes to experiment with and shape dramatic elements meaningfully, both individually and with other
  • Create and present dramatic products across a range of modes (lyrical, narrative, dramatic) and styles (realistic, heightened), alone and in collaboration with others
  • Understand, analyse and interpret principles and elements of drama in texts and performances in context, in South Africa and the world
  • Reflect on and evaluate their own and other’s dramatic processes, practices and product
  • Develop insight into how the dramatic arts affirm, challenge and celebrate values, cultures and identities engage with contemporary issues through the dramatic art

Dramatic Arts is a powerful tool for developing skills of cooperation and collaboration. Its elements and forms of expression are an inherent part of South African cultural and dramatic practices, processes and products, and thus the subject helps to preserve and promote our national heritage. Dramatic Arts prepares learners for entry into further studies for a possible career in the drama (or related arts) field, while equipping learners with crucial life skills such as confidence, self-esteem, creativity, communication skills, empathy, self-discipline, critical and creative thinking, leadership and collaborative teamwork which will benefit the individual in any field or future interest.


  • Performing Arts
  • Theatre scientist
  • Acting
  • Radio and Television Announcing
  • Film and Television Production
  • Directing and editing
  • Broadcasting Journalism
  • Dance
  • Sound Engineering
  • Dance
  • Musical Theatre
  • Musical Performance


Agricultural Sciences is the study of the relationship between soils, plants and animals in the production and processing of food, fibre, fuel and other agricultural products. Only a few selected agricultural secondary schools and Colleges in South Africa offer this subject. These schools usually have an economic farming unit which provides sufficient agronomic and livestock material for demonstrations and training purposes.

 Should I take this subject?

There are only a few schools and Agricultural Colleges offering this subject. This subject would suit someone who is interested in going into the field of Agriculture.


agricultural management, agricultural economics, farming, animal sciences (zoology), veterinary science, veterinary nursing, game farm management, plant- and soil science, earth science, geology, horticulture, wine making, viticulture, wine cellar management, food science, nature conservation, ecology, eco-tourism, wood science, forestry, aquaculture, oceanography, marine biology, landscape architecture, landscape technology, environmental impact assessment, natural resource management, environmental planning, plant- or animal breeding, environmental consultancy.


Consumer Studies is a subject that embraces life.  Every person is a consumer and needs to know how to purchase wisely, select and eat foods that are healthy and be able to live in a home that is both functional and attractive. Consumerism deals with everyday business practices such as establishing your own business and learning how to sustain a profitable small-scale production.  In the practical component of the subject learners have an opportunity to produce and market different products.


Consumer Studies focuses on developing knowledge, skills, values and attitudes in learners which enable them to become responsible and informed consumers of food, clothing, housing and furnishings and to be able to use resources optimally and in a sustainable manner.  Source: www.delasalleschool.co.za

Should I take this subject?

The subject is suitable for both girls and boys and is a university entrance subject.  This is a good subject choice if you have a natural flair for the subject and are passing the theory tests at Grade 9 level.


Consumer Studies can be taken at various universities as part of BA and BSc degrees.  Dietetics is also an excellent career choice.


Religion Studies is the study of religion as a universal human phenomenon and of religions found in a variety of cultures. Religion and religions are studied without favouring any or discriminating against any, whether in theory or in practice, and without promoting adherence to any particular religion. Religion Studies leads to the recognition, understanding and appreciation of a variety of religions within a common humanity, in the context of a civic understanding of religion and with a view to developing religious literacy

References: http://www.glenwoodhighschool.co.za/academic