Services Offered

Grade 9 Subject Choice AssessmentSubject Choice

The purpose of a subject choice assessment is to support Grade 9 students in the discovery and exploration of school subjects for Grade 10. This will provide guidance in making the correct choice of appropriate subjects, which are based on your personality, interests, study habits and aptitude.
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Career Assessment

Career AssessmentChoosing a career is often a daunting and complicated process, as most individuals have difficulty in deciding once they have completed matric. A career assessment can provide guidance in this regard as it is aimed at integrating your intellectual ability, personality and interests with that of your future occupation.
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Combined Subject Choice and Career Assessment

Subjects chosen for matric should be in accordance with the field which one would wish to pursue. This dual assessment is aimed at integrating the clients recommended subject choice with the requirements of a chosen degree, diploma or certificate to aid him or her in becoming successful in desired career path.
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Career Transition

Career TransitionIt has become a common trend among working adults to change their vocational interests during their lifetime. Career needs and values changes at different stages of an individual’s life. This decision usually encompasses self-doubt and financial concerns. A career transition assessment is likely to ease this transition as it often provides insight and confirmation. A career transition assessment battery subsequently assesses your work values, cognitive abilities, personality and interests which help guide you into a more comfortable vocational fit.
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Educational AssessmentPsycho educational assessment

A child presenting academic, behavioural or emotional difficulties at school may benefit from a Psychological-Educational assessment, as it provides a holistic picture of your child’s functioning. Behavioural or emotional issues usually have an impact on the learning environment and this assessment determines learning ability and potential by measuring current intellectual, emotional and behavioural functioning. The earlier difficulties are identified, the sooner remedial action can be taken. This assessment is conducted by myself and Dr Adele Romanis (Clinical Psychologist).
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Concession Assessment

ConcessionThis assessment technique is used to determine the kind of assistance needed by a leaner or student to complete exams. This entails the allowance of extra time, a scriber, a reader, the use of a computer or computer programme, enlarged print or breaks during the exam. Concessions are subject to the requirements of the Department of Education or the IEB concerned. This assessment is conducted by myself and Dr Adele Romanis (Clinical Psychologist).
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School Readiness AssessmentsSchool Readiness

School readiness assessments is a detailed analyse of your child’s intellectual and emotional readiness to start “big school”. Adjusting to an environment characterised by structure and formalised procedures can often be a daunting and a scary process for children. These feelings can be heighten when they have potential developmental delays which consequently can cause cognitive, emotional and social difficulties, boredom, resistance to learning, tension, low self-esteem, attention and concentration difficulties which may hamper a child’s ability to learn.
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Study Skills Workshops

WorkshopsLearners from grade 4 to grade 12 will benefit from the practical study skills taught during the Study Toolbox workshops.  The workshop is an 8 hour session which is usually held over 4 two hour sessions. During the workshop sessions, the following aspects will be discussed: Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals, time management, your brain and learning, how to deal with concentration difficulties, how to deal with reading difficulties, managing stress levels and dealing with personal problems, your personal learning preference, techniques for note taking, making mind-maps, memory techniques , how to use your ‘study tools’ to study languages and mathematics, daily homework and study program and preparing for tests and exam.
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